Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Hopeless Romantic

Why do most women want the fairy tale life. I mean by no means am I exempt from that statement because I want it as well. But I mean when will we wake up and know that there is no such thing. Boys/Men don't truly understand how to be a knight in shining armor or a prince charming on a white horse. Most boys won't write you that song you dream about, or recite you that poem you imagined he would, you probablly won't even get that over the top engagement you always wanted. But we still hope, dream, and imagine that everything will be picture perfect. Romance to me isn't fancy schmancy places or elaborate gifts. Its remembering the little things, what you like or dislike leaving little notes or things that show that he listens or that he cares. Why can't real life every be like the movies we watch or the books we read. I guess this is all hitting me because I am getting no Valentine's Day, no special event, no recognition to love and romance. Why can't I just have my prince charming sweep me off my feet and take me away on a magical romantic evening? Why most I be a hopeless romantic? I am doomed to forever be one in a million girls who want but will never have a fairy tale ending.

-Elizabeth Grace.

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