Sunday, February 14, 2010

It was a pretty plain day, a pretty low-key Valentine's Day. Greg got the day ff and we spent it just being around each other. He took me too Osaka for dinner and we watched Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. I love that movie and he liked it too. We're about to watch the Imaginirium of Doctor Parnassus :D I hope its good.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

I just thought that it would be fun if I showed some Flashback pics from summer 2009 that my friend Brandon just got developed. Aw. Such a fun time touring to Illinois. :)

Friday, February 12, 2010


So today was pretty boring just like yesterday, although I would like to say last night Greg, my boyfriend, was so sweet. I called him to see if he was going to go to the gas station and was going to see if he would pick me up a drink. He wasn't going but he stopped by anyway and bought me a Mango Naked. Yum, Delicious. I was so thankful. I thought it was so sweet and thought I would share it with you :)

-Elizabeth Johnson

Thursday, February 11, 2010

My life was pretty boring today so I'll just post a picture that I find interesting.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

So today was a pretty good day. I got to watch the K-4 kids, I watched some of America's Most Smartest Model, and I met my boyfriend, Greg's, father. I was extremely nervous and wanted to make a good impression. We went to Johnnies Hideaway, a steak and seafood restaurant. I wanted to order chicken but everyone told me I wasn't allowed to order chicken at a steakhouse. I don't really like red meat at all to be quite honest I don't really like any meat. But I ordered the steak anyway hoping to make a good impression. So I tried my best and ate as much as I could. I still would have liked to have eaten the chicken. Oh well maybe next time.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Hopeless Romantic

Why do most women want the fairy tale life. I mean by no means am I exempt from that statement because I want it as well. But I mean when will we wake up and know that there is no such thing. Boys/Men don't truly understand how to be a knight in shining armor or a prince charming on a white horse. Most boys won't write you that song you dream about, or recite you that poem you imagined he would, you probablly won't even get that over the top engagement you always wanted. But we still hope, dream, and imagine that everything will be picture perfect. Romance to me isn't fancy schmancy places or elaborate gifts. Its remembering the little things, what you like or dislike leaving little notes or things that show that he listens or that he cares. Why can't real life every be like the movies we watch or the books we read. I guess this is all hitting me because I am getting no Valentine's Day, no special event, no recognition to love and romance. Why can't I just have my prince charming sweep me off my feet and take me away on a magical romantic evening? Why most I be a hopeless romantic? I am doomed to forever be one in a million girls who want but will never have a fairy tale ending.

-Elizabeth Grace.

Teacher for a Day.

So I am studying Early Childhood Education. I want to be a teacher. My mom called me up this morning and told me they needed a sub for Kindergarten for a couple hours and asked if I would do it. I agreed. Man were those kids rowdy. I did a few coloring papers for Valentines Day, we played heads up seven up, musical chairs, and pictionary, and I read them 4 stories: Mice who say please for cheese, little mermaid, pinocchio, and sleeping beauty. There was one little boy who I really would end up needing to put in the corner but I put up with him. I was also asked to come in and watch the K-4 kids for 2 hours everyday. So I'm kind of excited. I put a little clip of the kids playing musical chairs up for you to see. Enjoy.

-Elizabeth Grace.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Tables Turn.

People really surprise me. The people I always thought about so long ago as being so sincere and the people I always had so much respect for seem to have totally made a 180 and no longer are who they use to be. And then the people who I totally regret ever knowing have turned around and seem to be really descent people. Its just so weird how the tables turn and in time how people change.
LOST! SD Card. I am so upset right now because I am a major idiot. I was using a different camera and I was taking pictures for a Flickr group I'm in and I misplaced my stupid SD card. I really feel like crying. I want my SD card so I can edit my pictures! Please pray I find my SD card. I blame it on Barry Allen my bunny for distracting me. Well I want to find it before the bachelor comes on so wish me luck.

P.S. I really want Vienna gone, I really really dislike her.

Sunday, February 7, 2010


I'm watching a show called solitary right now. My friend Scott told me about it while we were eating lunch at CiCi's today and I thought I would check it out.

This show has a really neat concept. I mean, lock ten people in little octagon cubbys pretty much and send them challenges to see what there are physically and mentally capable of enduring. I really don't think I could do it. It really makes me think though. I should probably be a little bit less whiny and learn to motivate myself. I'm only on episode two and I can definitely tell that I am going to like this show.

-Elizabeth Grace

Romance in the Air.

I had a photo shoot with my friend Cristian and this girl Cassidy that I met on a model site. I wanted to do a fake couples shoot in order to try to get people to book me for real couples shoots. Cristian and Cassidy just looked like the kind of people who would hit it off right away. Well I guess my judgement was kind of on the right side. Cristian ended up asking her on a date the next day. He called me after the date and explained to me that he thought she was so beautiful and that on his own he could have never got such a beautiful girl to go on a date him with him. I was overwhelmed with joy knowing that I could have sparked a fire. Making people happy truly makes me happy. And I can't wait to see what happens with the little spark.


My reasons for doing this are for me. I guess you could say to be a better writer you should practice. Or at least that's what my teacher tells me. I am also doing this to better myself. I want to learn to write daily, to express myself through writing and documenting my life. I've never been good at starting anything like a diary of my 365 challenge on Flickr. My life always gets boring or busy and I always make excuses for not finishing things, and this is where I say no more! I will write in this everyday and my first goal will be 6 months. If I make it to that goal I will push my goal further. I hope you will read along for the journey and watch me either reach my goal or not.

-Elizabeth Grace